Friday, March 13, 2009

Due date!

Can't believe this day finally arrived! I had my 40 week appointment this morning and there was pretty much no progress. If Noah doesn't arrive on his own this weekend, I go in Monday morning to be induced! I am so happy there is an end in sight :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

39 Weeks!

At my 39 week appointment, I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was having contractions while I was there. I couldn't feel them very much but the doctor could feel them by touching my stomach, and he said they felt pretty strong and were lasting a long time. He said he would be very surprised if I made it to my due date, but of course the doctor told me last week she didn't expect me to make it to this week! Yesterday afternoon/evening I had some mild contractions, starting with 20 minutes apart, and then they got down to 10 minutes apart. But nothing so far today! Hopefully these are my last belly pics I will be posting!